Bull Sharks as a Metaphor


In a world where things are neither what they are supposed to be or where they are supposed to be, the Bull Shark serves as an excellent metaphor.   The Bull Shark is different than most other sharks, or for that matter, most other saltwater fish.   It can adapt to fresh water.   Like some kind of aquatic hybrid it flips from the saltwater environment to the freshwater environment as easily as a Prius in city traffic.

Lately, the Bull Sharks have been wandering up the Louisiana Swamp Lands through the inland waterways and traveling as far as St. Louis.   Whether they are restless creatures, afflicted with a poor sense of direction, or merely curious to see St. Louis is anyone’s guess.   But the trip from the Delta to St. Louis is a good 900 miles, so in an era when most folks are sticking close to home the Bull Shark is in search of new hangouts.

You wouldn’t expect to see a shark in fresh water.   Especially in shallow fresh water.  And it must come as a real surprise to have one gnawing on your leg.    Since they can grow up to ten feet long, a hungry Bull Shark is no small matter, nor can it be easily dismissed.   It is more like if the Taliban decided to visit your local shopping mall.

What makes this new expeditionary Bull Shark force even more disturbing, is that if they find romance in those freshwater byways, the female can spawn some dozen little babies.   Makes the Octomom pale by comparison.   And as we know, babies get hungry, and babies will feed on just about anything.   While the Bull Shark prefers its sushi alive and swimming, it can eyeball a human who in murky water appears the flapping fish.
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So here we have another situation where external forces are messing with our conditioned knowledge of the universe.   In this case a crackpot theory or a subject for  B Hollywood movie becomes are living reality.   It’s another case is down is up and up, of course, is down.  Only not all the time.  Sometimes up is really up, and down is really down.

What we think we know, is not the case.   What we have been told, turns out to be as mythical as any other legend, be it Bull Sharks in the swamps or  alligators in the sewers of Manhattan.   We have facts, but then the facts mutate, much like the Bull Sharks and the Swine Flu.   In the end, we have all this information, and we remain confused.

We decry healthcare reform because the government is involved, but we demand we keep our Medicare and Social Security.   We spend more than we make, and then we wonder why we are broke.   We are vehemently opposed to terrorists and those who support them but insist we have the right to gas guzzling vehicles.    We are preoccupied with our electronic gadgets, and then wonder why we are lacking in intimate human relationships.  We search desperately for romance online, but ignore the person standing next to us.

We think sharks are saltwater creatures.   Once again, we are wrong.

Author: Gordon Basichis

Gordon Basichis is the Co-Founder of Corra Group, specializing in pre-employment background checks and corporate research. He has been a marketing and media executive. He is the author of the best selling Beautiful Bad Girl, The Vicki Morgan Story, a non-fiction novel that helped define exotic behavior in the late twentieth century. He has recently published The Cuban Quarter, The Blood Orange, and The Guys Who Spied for China, dealing with Chinese Espionage in the United States. He is the author of The Constant Travellers. He has been a journalist for several newspapers and is a screenwriter and producer.